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April Flyer Collection for The Zone Dance Club

Glow Month, Birthday Battle, and an Invasion

April at the Zone is Glow Month! The whole gets decked out in glow in the dark decorations and several birthdays are celebrated. This month's flyers include the overall Glow event, The Battle of the Aries Drag Battle, and a special Pup/Leather/Bear night.

Visit the Zone Web Site
Glow Weekend Flyer Design by Whee! Studios
Zone's April Battle of the Aries Face Show Flyer Design by Whee! Studios
Leather/Bear/Pup Invasion Flyer Design by Whee! Studios

whee /(h)wē/


an exclamation of joy, thrill, etc.

design /dɪzaɪn/


to plan and fashion the form and structure of an object, work of art, decorative scheme, etc.

pride /praɪd/


a sense of the respect that other people have for you, and that you have for yourself.

geek /gēk/

noun Slang.

a knowledgeable and obsessive enthusiast.