Project | NWPA Pride Alliance

Celebrating and Empowering the LGBTQ+ Community in Northwest Pennsylvania


NWPA Pride Alliance is a non-profit organization dedicated to celebrating and supporting the LGBTQ+ community in Northwest Pennsylvania. Their new logo and visual identity embrace a vibrant and inclusive color palette, representing the diverse spectrum of the queer community. The design employs bold graphics and clear typography to effectively communicate the organization's message of unity and equality. This comprehensive rebranding has not only modernized NWPA Pride Alliance's image but also strengthened their visual presence across various platforms, including marketing materials, social media, and merchandise. The result is a cohesive and impactful brand identity that reflects the organization's commitment to visibility, advocacy, and creating a welcoming environment for all.


  • Visual Identity
  • Logo Design
  • Merchandise Design
  • Print Design
  • Signage

whee /(h)wē/


an exclamation of joy, thrill, etc.

design /dɪzaɪn/


to plan and fashion the form and structure of an object, work of art, decorative scheme, etc.

pride /praɪd/


a sense of the respect that other people have for you, and that you have for yourself.

geek /gēk/

noun Slang.

a knowledgeable and obsessive enthusiast.